Beauty tips 4 you

Monday, January 02, 2006

Skin care in winter

Lemon as a beauty aid

Start your morning with a combination of half a lemon of juice and an orange, squeezed in hot water, sweetened with honey.
For weight watchers & those on a reducing programme, lemon is excellent. Since it helps in depigmentation of the skin, it is useful for those suffering from blemishing and blotchy skin.

Lemon as a hand lotion: Mix lemon juice to rose water and rub on hands to get smooth hands. Rub granulated sugar and the juice of a lemon together till the sugar is dissolved. Then rinse it off. Do this regularly for a month and see the difference.

Lemon as bleach: rub lemon halves on elbows, heels and toes and then rinse off.

Lemon as a hair rinse: Add lemon juice to boiled & strained tea water. Use immediately after the shampoo. It highlights dull hair, making it shine.

Henna miracles
Henna is used to color the hair, hands and nails. Henna gives reddish color to the grey hair, but not to those with dark hair, either brown or black. Dark hair cannot turn red. Instead henna will give them beautiful coppery tints, which would highlight the hair, making it gleaming & lustrous.

Daily care for dry skin in winter

First thing on your routine should be cleansing. Most of us use some kind of make-up on our skin, so cleansing is very essential. A cactus cleanser with a lemon base is the best. Cactus is ideal for rehydrating the skin. The cleanser must be massaged gently, into the skin, paying particular attention to the creases of the nose under the chin, neck and ear lobes.
Second step is toning of the skin, toning removes the last stages of cleanser and dissolves dirt. It is good if you use skin toning lotion. A skin tonic, with mint and honey base would be excellent for delicate & parched skin. Skin tonic braces the skin and tightens the pores, especially under the eyes and on the jaw line.
Third step is nourishing the skin, if you want to prevent it from dryness. Every night, a nourishing cream with preferably an orange base, should be used. If you feelthat your skin is very dry, use a second application. A nourishing cream with vitamin E would work wonders.

Supplying moisture to the skin by use of suitable cosmetic aids si the only way to prevent the skin from drying up.


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